
Klaine - Picture us together

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Chapter 1 - Picturing us Together...

Rating: PG-13
Length: 1,183 words
Ship: Klaine.

It was a cold and windy morning in the Dalton Academy and Tired Blaine couldn't concentrate in the lesson, but on the other hand couldn't stop staring at their sexy substitute teacher for math.

He did his best not to look at him straight in the eyes, because it could get pretty embarrassing, but wasn't able to control the glares that were sneaking in his eyes from time to time.

He wrote a note for Kurt that was sitting right next to him, folded it and touched Kurt's hand. Kurt jumped in surprise, probably too concentrated in the lesson, then he read the note and nodded "Yeah, he does have an awesome torso"

Thoughts Collided inside Kurt's head "To make an actual step or not?"

Just the possibility that Blaine might not be pleased with the idea of sharing a kiss with him caused his stomach to sting and sore.

By the end of the lesson, 'and thank god it was the last', Kurt thought to himself, a decision was made. No more pondering, imagining or pretending in his head, he is going to find out what exactly can make Blaine fall for him.

When they both climbed down the stairs, enjoying the relaxing feeling of freedom, Blaine fantasized of an iced coffee with cream and a donut, while the only thing Kurt could possibly think of is the joy that he felt when Blaine touched his hand today.

"I'm starving, Lets go get some coffee and donuts" Blaine suggested.
"Sure" Kurt said and then felt mad at himself for almost not speaking at all today and for being too shy. He forced himself to say something.

"You Know, I.. I've been thinking about Glee club a lot, lately, you know since we're going to compete against them at Regionals" Kurt managed to finish his sentence while they entered the the Lima Bean.

"Oh, Don't worry about it, we're going to beat them without any doubt" he said with excitement and then whispered "And your sexy faces got way better than what they were last week" Kurt Blushed and noticed his heart pounding to the sound of Blaine articulating the word 'Sexy'.

After Blaine ordered, they both sat down on an empty table in front of each other and Kurt tried to focus on anything but Blaine's bright eyes, But couldn't. And now they gazed back at him, trying to follow Kurt's actions.

"Kurt, you wanna come by and do homework together this afternoon?" said Blaine with his usual enthusiastic tone.

"Um, sure I just need to check at home first, see how my father's doing" Kurt hoped that he reacted all right to this one, but wasn't sure.

"Uh. Sure, no problem" he said politely "you can come by at four or five or whatever, hopefully we'll be finished before nightfall" he said sarcastically and smiled

"Don't worry, I'll help you it's no big deal" said Kurt when they got separated from each other on the way home.

Kurt was sitting on his bed, Watching TV when the phone rang. 'Maybe it's Blaine' he thought and immediately felt his heart pounding fast. But it was just Rachel.

"Hi, what's going on with you?" she asked

"Oh. Nothing special, I'm just fine. You know, I have to study a lot harder, but at least here everybody treats me fairly" he sighed.

"I'm so happy for you, you know, we all miss you and your talent" she added "but the most important thing here is you! Getting ready for the contest?"

"Yeah, we're practicing hard"

"What's with all the screaming in your room? Is there someone with you?"

"Oh no" he laughed "That's just a combination of the television and Pavarotti, my Bird,
He always starts to sing when I'm on the phone"

"Well" Rachel continued "I just hope you've made some good friends there, and maybe made a move on that cute Blaine" she implied

" You're not still into him, are you? You just said he's cute!" he said dramatically

"Um I..I just think he's pretty charismatic and a..a great kisser" she said unwillingly "yes, I have to admit, the guy must have been with a few partners before, he's such a pro" she giggled.

"But don't get the wrong idea!" she continued "I saw him staring at you on Valentine's Day when we were all together at Breadstix"

"Really?" Kurt was completely surprised.

"Yeah, probably dedicated that love song to you" she sighed. "Maybe…maybe he told you he's not into you because he wants you to get the hots for him?" she said excited "he wants you to pursue him, so you won't be getting him too easily"

'It could have been amazing if it were true, I don't know what to say... I've never been with anyone" Kurt looked at his watch, 'it was almost 4 o'clock' he though and started feeling stressed.

"Rachel I've gotta go, promise to tell you more later" Kurt said in a hurry

"But wait-" he hung up

Kurt started pulling aggressively from his closet shirts, trousers, belts and hats, trying on and off any possible match that could fit the event.

He decided to go on a sophisticated look and picked up the white collar shirt, his favorite tight pants and added black framed eyeglasses. With clear satisfaction he took his schoolbag and went down the stairs

"Bye dad, I'm going to go study with a friend" He said filled with joy

"Wait, Kurt. What did you say?"

"I'm going to a friend's house" he said simply

"Let me guess, you're off to that Blaine, from your new school" Burt said seriously

"Ma…Maybe, Why?" now he's starting to get worried

"Kurt, you never came back to talk to me about these pamphlets I gave you, so I'm a bit worried, have you read them?"

"Yeah" Kurt replied

"Did you understand everything?"

"Yes dad. It's not that complicated" he began to feel impatient.

"Good, I want to be sure you're ready to be doing what you're gonna do" Burt implied

"Dad, Blaine and I are not together, we're no couple, just learning some math. That's all"

"I trust you Kurt, and if that's all then that's all, but if there ever will be different intentions I want you to come and talk to me about it, and most of all I want you to feel free to ask me whatever that you need, and if you" he lowered his voice "do need some condoms, I got you a pack inside that drawer" he pointed at the cabinet that held books and family framed photos.

"Thanks dad" he barely pronounced the word in his mouth. Too ashamed of himself to speak, he stepped outside the house and went to the bus station.
While he was waiting there, Kurt tried to guess what would happen today. Would he finally dare to make a first move, or would he be too scared to speak?

The disturbing thoughts finally disappeared when he rang Blaine's doorbell, from there it was only Instinct, at least from what he could remember.

Picture us together chapter 2: [link]

This is my first Klaine fanfic...
I started writing it after watching ep. 15 "Sexy" so everything in this fanfic occurs before "Original song" and before they became boyfriends:-)

Just so you know, few of it's chapters are 18+ rated, but you'll get a warning about it.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to your comments about it! especially as a beginner writer.
If you've enjoyed it - please let me know :P

Teaser: Kurt Hummel, previous member of New Directions, decides to take advantage of his new school, to put an end to his lack of experience in relationships. Meanwhile, Blaine Anderson, isn't sure about his feelings towards serious commitment.

Disclaimer - I do not own Glee, Blaine or Kurt

Special thanks to Katherine, my awesome beta reader!
© 2011 - 2024 GoldenHarp
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